Mahima orphanage work to begin
Finally, we are starting it. After some strain, few visits and lot of time and discussions, we are starting the work at Mahima orphanage near vikarabad. It is a big thing that I am doing this year and Hopefully it should be ready before new year kicks in. It is bigger than the warangal orphange project (Dyvakrupa orphanage). In fact multiple times of it. we are planning a big shelter with 10 to 13 lakhs of Indian currency. I am getting bore with regular life, hope to see some change to happen in the near future. It may happen. On the regular things, one is corruption. it is so much part of each one of us in some way or the other. I like this picture. All govt schemes are finally like this. Multi tier corruption makes the real beneficiaries getting very little. Cann't we do something about it? we can. Let us raise RTI requests, shout on corruption and importantly NEVER PAY A BRIBE even if it means taking off for a day or half.