Mahima orphanage vikarabad

My two visits to Vikarabad and earlier visits to Mahima orphange in chandanagar are now towards a concrete action plan to build a proper shelter for the orphan home (also houses old age people and HIV infected ones). I along with collegues at IVY Comptech (called Sparsh group @IVY) have pooled up around 6.5L so far from contributions of employees who are interested in this activity. This is really decent amount to build them a 35*140 size shelter, which could accomodate around 150 to 200 people (including kids).

Overall, I am happy with the progress, in another 2 to 3 months, we will have the structure ready.

This is my 2nd activity(first one being the Dyvakrupa orphan home at secunderabad thanda, near Mahbubabad, Warangal district. I worked with my friends at TMAD  to pool up 3L and build them facilities. It was quicker at TMAD as there is no delay in decision making).

I must take some break after this activity, There has been too many activities this year and it is being growing year by year. I am happy with the difference we are able to make to needy. I know this is not sufficient, there are millions of people who need help some way or the other and we just started. I thinkI too need help in managing myself and my time so that I can do more and more.


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"manav seva madhav seva". Service to man is Service to god. lage raho hari garu ..

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