
Showing posts from November, 2006

Rent O Rent

Yes, I have an announcement to make. I created a website called rentorent . I am expecting this site to be fully functional around first half of the 2007. Well, What is this site for: A comprehensive website for rental services, which will help landlords, tenants, paying guests, hostels, shared accommodation etc. I want this portal to contain lot of seach capabilities and easy registration without heavy stuff. I am in the analysis stage of this project. Please share with me a word or two of you... what do you think can matter for this portal, what could make the content of this and what you ultimately expect from this. Technical specs: PHP, MySQL you can mail me at

EC, bangalore


The appraisal

Yesterday there was a performance review of my work at Infosys. It was nice to see good feedback from my mentors. Good things about me: 1. I have a broader aspect in solving problems. I understand the bigger picture better. 2. People relationships - I look good in this aspect (Very much surprising for me) 3.Good pace in learning new things, and open mind to adapt to technology. Areas of Improvement: 1. Need to get more sophisticated with my soft skills especially dealing with clients and selling ideas. 2. Need to grow to the next steps in the ladder, learn stuff about effort estimation. 3. Customer orientation. 4. Participating in external forums and submitting technical articals etc 5. Getting more comfortable with Infosys processes. It was really nice to have a positive impression from my boss. I am doing a kind of job i wanted/(thought i am fit to do). working as a technial specialist and playing various roles like architect, trouble shooter, client interfacing, developer, tester et...


There is something that made me happy recently. It is not the luxurious infy guest house, not the colourful campus of infosys. It is the company of friends...true. I vacated the guest house and said bye to that private life, and joined suresh house for my temporary stay in bangalore. it is a good move. Months of loney life was not scary (both hyderabad, and bangalore), but took away little bit of active life that i had. I was thinking what could be wrong, tried to get rid of boredom, by buying a TV, but TV channels were more boring, then bought a DVD and some original DVDs and movies (Including Mr. bean, Enigma etc) few days were fine, but at the end life was same. :-) It is always a free mind, without worries delivers most. We get free mind only when we really feel free. just be the same old kid as you were in the school or college,leaving the office face in the office itself. Anyway thanks to suresh and santhosh (our PU hyperjunior) for receiving me well.

The Zahir

When the Unwanted Guest arrives.... I might be afraid. I might smile or say: My day was good, let night fall. You will find the fields ploughed, the house clean, the table set, and everything in its place. The Zahir, by paulo coelho was making me busy in the bus everyday. I wanted to read the book fully. Even i wished sometimes that the bus to take some more time to reach my destination :-) (but in general i do not want to get lost in the traffic for hours) The reading was interesting in the beginning, my heart was full of sympathy for the narrator in the story, for his wife left him without telling him where she might have gone, and the zahir (means visible ,present, incapable of going unnoticed. it is someone or something which once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our everythought , until we can think of nothing else.., as the book says) missing from him (his wife). Then the story talks of philosophy, lot of things which will interest us some...