I miss you Nanna

Babu, you could have avoided this sudden shock. Every item in the house is reminding of you and unfinished work. You could have finished what ever you have dreamed of. It was too early to quit. I could have spent more time with you. As a father understand your unconditional love towards us. You are soldier trying to fight for us. From utter poverty and almost lost everything, our fight is in the right direction. We are towards success. But your sudden disappearance is leaving us helpless. I might be better educated and earning better pay, still I dont know many things that you are master of. I dont know how to pack my things. I dont know how to smile in neck deep problems. If I have a small problem , I shout, I dont know how to live with uncertainty. You loved the kids. I am sorry Nanna, I coudn't bring my kids to you as often as you wanted. In the run for career and stupid family problem, I neglected you so much. I thought getting back your respect by b...