
Showing posts from May, 2006

Being assertive

it helps to be assertive. There is no place for you if you always look for someone to lead you. The confidence makes the diffrence most of the cases. It is not that we are not capable of doing things but it is that we think we are not capable of doing things so as we are!. The current infy project is teaching me some lessons, i was thinking, i needed some one to mentor me through out the project, but it just made me spend my days and nights in office and doing nothing, expecting someone to help me. It didnt work out. I could have been more assertive of what i am doing. it could have saved some of my time. The people around me are having some thing special or the other which i can embibe from them. Life looks interesting But ofcourse very lonely most of the time. I wish i could go back to hyderabad soon, so that I can feel more comfort. It is not good to say "you are bad" to someone, instead appreciate him/her and give suggestion (which might mean rework of entire work :-). Th...


I thought I could post something in the lexury of infosys campus. beautiful environment. nice guesthouse, multiple food courts. greenery all around. thousands of people around in week days, not much activity at the weekend(some times i have to run around all the food courts to get my lunch or dinner on weekends). I like the campus because of the facilities and the freedom i get. Infy culture looks different. There are so many unspoken rules around. I need to go to office in formals which i never used to do at Digital harbor. But it is not bothering me much. work is bit scary, i am lagging behind few days so got to cover it up in this week. weeekend SEED meeting at Mysore infy campus. On the other side,its something interesting to see 2 infy campuses in less than 2 months. There is a mail saying H1B visa process is initiated for me. I am not sure of what is ahead. On personal note, Marriage is still alluring me.. It might take more time now.

life @ infy, Bangalore

I am back to Bangalore after a month time. Life looks usual, but missing friends and acquintance here. I long for friends now. Every one at office are helpful. the ECC (Employee care center) is good.

life @ infy, Bangalore

I am back to Bangalore after a month time. Life looks usual, but missing friends and acquintance here. I long for friends now. Every one at office of helpful.

exciting work ahead!

Its been a month in Hyderabad. I am going back to Bangalore on an important assingment. It is an important and challenging task for me. Being the first task at infy,it needs all my attention and efforts. I am looking ahead for exciting weeks at Bangalore Infy. Got the ticket, and accommodation is confirmed. so only thing remained for me is executing the assignment. :-)