
I thought I could post something in the lexury of infosys campus. beautiful environment. nice guesthouse, multiple food courts. greenery all around. thousands of people around in week days, not much activity at the weekend(some times i have to run around all the food courts to get my lunch or dinner on weekends).

I like the campus because of the facilities and the freedom i get. Infy culture looks different. There are so many unspoken rules around. I need to go to office in formals which i never used to do at Digital harbor. But it is not bothering me much.

work is bit scary, i am lagging behind few days so got to cover it up in this week. weeekend SEED meeting at Mysore infy campus.
On the other side,its something interesting to see 2 infy campuses in less than 2 months.

There is a mail saying H1B visa process is initiated for me. I am not sure of what is ahead.

On personal note, Marriage is still alluring me.. It might take more time now.


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