
Showing posts from 2012

The year ahead

Year 2012 was an eventful year. Personally I experienced a lot. Stressful career to healthy relationships with people around, morning walks, the new found yoga guru Sridhar reddy in the colony, badminton practice daily, the continued online training that lead to registering CareerScale IT Consulting LLP  and forming clear path for the years to come by. The IVY experiment was not so cool, with so many issues around and the legacy not accepting change and me not able to adjust with the environment, though I was able to finally work on PL/SQL though found it difficult in the beginning (this means, I am through Java, .net, sharepoint and now into db as well  :-), though not an expert),made up my mind to call off this experiment. The best part of this experiment is the orphan home facility that is coming up at Vikarabad. With contributions from IVY employees and some matching grant from IVY itself (mgmt was reluctant initially) is now bringing up a big facility 123*3...

Mahima orphanage work to begin

Finally, we are starting it. After some strain, few visits and lot of time and discussions, we are starting the work at Mahima orphanage near vikarabad. It is a big thing that I am doing this year and Hopefully it should be ready before new year kicks in. It is bigger than the warangal orphange project (Dyvakrupa orphanage). In fact multiple times of it.  we are planning a big shelter with 10 to 13 lakhs of Indian currency. I am getting bore with regular life, hope to see some change to happen in the near future. It may happen. On the regular things, one is corruption. it is so much part of each one of us in some way or the other. I like this picture. All govt schemes are finally like this. Multi tier corruption makes the real beneficiaries getting very little. Cann't we do something about it? we can. Let us raise RTI requests, shout on corruption and importantly NEVER PAY A BRIBE even if it means taking off for a day or half.

Mahima orphanage vikarabad

My two visits to Vikarabad and earlier visits to Mahima orphange in chandanagar are now towards a concrete action plan to build a proper shelter for the orphan home (also houses old age people and HIV infected ones). I along with collegues at IVY Comptech (called Sparsh group @IVY) have pooled up around 6.5L so far from contributions of employees who are interested in this activity. This is really decent amount to build them a 35*140 size shelter, which could accomodate around 150 to 200 people (including kids). Overall, I am happy with the progress, in another 2 to 3 months, we will have the structure ready. This is my 2nd activity(first one being the Dyvakrupa orphan home at secunderabad thanda, near Mahbubabad, Warangal district. I worked with my friends at TMAD   to pool up 3L and build them facilities. It was quicker at TMAD as there is no delay in decision making). I must take some break after this activity, There has been too many activities this year and it is being ...

Shit called corruption

It is the terrible thing. This corruption is there everywhere, It is so formal and so legal in almost all govt offices. Recent experience is with RTA office Kishan bagh.  The amazing organizational structure of corruption makes us get surprised. These idiots got fixes for every solution to stop corruption.  The webcam to take snap of the license seeker, the thumb impression machine, the signature recording machine, the online test everything is so well managed to create more avenues for corruption. I went through  the driving school and agreed to pay what ever they said it will cost. The old man at the driving school (it is a  small shop used for multiple purposes and doubles up as driving school office) winks his eyes and says govt is only one so is the fee, but there are so many people in the layer and everyone has to be fed so the fee charged is more than 4 times of actual fee. I along with  my friend went there to RTA office and the agent whose number ...

Abhinav Reddy and Adith Reddy July 2012


NGO experience

Working with NGO is a different ball game. It is actually a store of surprises. You might come across few serious volunteers and some times you get someone who is ready to source bigger funds. And at times people expect you to bribe them (say banks or govt authorties) to get the works done. One need to be highly patient of all these things. You call for a meeting and you discover you are the only one turned up for the meeting or some times you get overwhelmed by the presence of  large number of volunteers. Even among the volunteers, we always get the IDENTITY CRISIS. Even one has their own way of working style and also would like to have their own identity getting reflected even for smaller activities. Also you get to see people who work very hard, but still leave the credit to others. Best part of my experience with NGOs is that, it is lot different from your regular employment, where life is somewhat predictable.  I personally believe that it is not really charity on wh...


As we grow old, time passes too fast (As we involve in activities and keep ourselves busy, might be it looks too fast). For me it looks like just the weekends are the life and rest of the week days are something that just disappear with  the office work or other activities. Some times(or should I say most of the times), even weekends are spent for doing something or the other. Year 2011 was an eventful year and made me realize the GAP that remains between "What I want to be and what I am now". I realized I am not sufficient enough to reach what I need to be. I need to stay focused  to realize my entrepreneur goal. I have already had a taste of it with my association with yassume , freshbrains and the attempt of careerscale made this year taste the path to my goal a bit. on a  personal front moving to "ivy comptech" was an important decision I made. Every job I have done gave me lot of different exposure on a technical front as well as people manage...