
Showing posts from May, 2007

Missing Maddy

Maddy has become one of the well known person in the Europe and especially in UK. Maddy(Madeleine McCann) has become popular all of sudden(She is missing for the last few weeks i.e from may 3rd). There is a website setup to find her and there is a big reward if some one is going to find her (2.6 million pounds). I dont know where maddy is but her parents got a chance to visit Pope (read yesterday's news). so many things are happening around. there is a fund setup to search her,posters every wehre, a website etc.... I am thinking of millions of kids who dont have basic facilities... there is big fund (out of donations) setup for finding maddy.How about all other little boys and girls? How wonderful it will be to see all other kids in the world too getting this much of attention? There are many kids who are abandoned by parents, some are sold because parents can not feed them properly or they are just greedy. some are forced to do things that are illegal. All these things can be avo...

Configuring PHP for MySQL

Well, i too took some time to configure PHP to connect with mysql database. Shortcut: If you dont have time or patience to download individual installers and configuring them etc.. then download xampp and install it (I didnt try this but website says that it does everything for you). Well, if you want to have the fun of doing it by yourself then the following info will be useful. Usually many people face difficulty in configuring mysql for php.(for the first time when we do this). Download the latest versionf of the softwares required I downloaded the following softwares for setting up everything. MySql5.0(community version) Apache 2.2 php-5.2.1-Win32 you can start reading install.txt that can be found within the php root folder. it contains all the steps that you need to follow for your configuration (specific to OS and other things). save a copy of php.ini-recommended as php.ini (within PHP root folder). Configuring apache with PHP module: you have to add the following lines into ht...

Here is an announcement. I got a personal website. It is still underconstruction but still you can have a visit to the page at These days i am trying to learn PHP\MySQL site building. Was browsing through lot of sample web templates and trying to customize, creating simple programs like sending email through php, form validation, javascript validation etc. The goal for me now is to have sufficient information about building a website in php\mysql. Validation, rolebased access,handling the postbacks in the page, creating a re-usable web page template (with place holder for server side functionality) etc. In general, I am trying to create a single php page with multiple functional components that can be included based on the user request. Some of tools/webpages that i found useful are DBDesigner PHP IDE Zeroweb web templates Problem with internet is we got hell lot of junk, and filtering what is re-usable is very difficult. sometimes i fin...


Rich Internet Applications, Adobe Flex 2.0, Microsoft Silverlight, Sun Micro systems JavaFX... This is what I was reading about during this weekend. RIA technologies are something that want to give the web clients the functionality of desktop applications making the end user experience the WOW effect. Adobe Flex 2.0 is the best possible RIA technology available.It is essentially because It depends on the Flash and also it does support multiple server side technologies like J2EE,Coldfusion, PHP etc. Flash Player 9.0 has all the client side stuff that is required. Its proven, every one of us has experienced Flash. its true. Microsoft is betting on its Flash Killer Formulation and it calls it Silverlight. At the outset it looks fine. Its essentially depends on Java script for all the event handling and XAML (MS specific XML format) is used for asynchronous communication,it depends on microsoft existing technologies to get its share from the market. Sun is bit late to enter into RIA techn...

Book keeping

One of the difficult things i had in recent days is book keeping. Filling up lot of MS OFFICE stuff which i dont understand what is stands for or how that can be useful. Leading small team or a big team shouldnt be a big botheration as long as we are clear about the work. But how to handle a case where you are forced to fill lot of book keeping documents? The goal of a software consultancy should be always how to keep the client happy (so that we get money), and accumulate the knowledge that can be re-usable (so you save effort while serving another client) and could think of making a generic product/service/framework that could help the organization. just a random thought.

Ant and the grasshopper

An interesting story (though it is a lengthy one). Ideally it should go to my forwards blog ,but as it looks relevant to the current context in india. it got a place in my main blog. Thanks to Pandurangaswamy for the email OLD VERSION... The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold. MODERN VERSION (excellent) The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to ...

Asha kiran

While looking at the recent changes of To Make a Difference i come across the blog of somya a person related with IIIT Hyderabad, and then i found out about Ashakiran. an initiative by IIIT students and faculty. Read more about Asha kiran.

JavaFX & Sliverlight

What is this fuss all about? Microsoft with Silverlight and Sun with Java FX, couple of more WOW effects on the internet. By having couple of more different solutions to the user experience. Lot of interesting things about both the technologies. I will post my understanding about the technologies as and when time permits.

Kitchen experiments

Food has been a little problem for me in Edinburgh. The solution.... Preparing food on my own. Yes it is a good time pass for me (apart from spending time on my laptop). and i get to do lot of experiements in kitchen (some of them fail like the bread upma which tasted real bad :-( ). Somerfield is a good shop where you get all items that you require. Its kind of Trinetra (as in Hyderabad, India). A supermarket chain across UK. I didnt like the ready to eat biryani and other items. they didnt taste good for me. I need something spicy (not too spicy). Most of the food that i get over here is not at all spicy and other thing is you dont know what will the food be consisted of. many items consist beef which i dont like to take (i didnt like the taste, i remember i had bad experience in The Park Restaurant, Chennai). Well other side effect of self cook is that you eat too much. My wife is asking me to go for jogging or do something of that sort. Hmm i am lazy enough to go out. only thing i ...


Being a tech lead for a DOTNET project, and now talking of JFreechart (actually no free time now a days).. Its bit contradictory, but pavani's mail made me look into this in my off office hours. Its nice java API for chart. I was going through the blog of the guy who has been able to keep JFreechart active. the proud owner of JFreechart (Dave Gilbert who owns . He is an interesting personality on 2 accounts. He worked for what he wanted to. (On JFreeChart for around 6 years). He created the API and is managing it dedicatedly. Secondly, He sticked to what he believed in. Didnt give in to the corporate pressures to sell or join some company.. As some one rightly said, instead of writing software for some company accountings, It is good if you can stand on your own and do something that you always want to do. Dave is doing that. Thats great Dave