Life as an experiment
The recent weeks have been bit hectic in going around places and in shopping. Same time got to attend couple of serious issues at office. I tried city buses and share autos (both 7 seater and 3 seater ones) in hyderabad. It looks fine. Experiencing the life of an ordinary person. There is nothing wrong with city buses. I love to use them for transport and that is going to be one of the biggest transport systems this city is going to have for ever. Attended suresh marriage on 24th. met satish(suresh's cousin) and wished him too (he got married 2 days eariler in the same marriage hall). coastal areas of andhra pradesh are really cool. Its fertile everywhere and water all around. It was a nice trip to Amalapuram (we took a train till Rajahmandri and from there got a cab till Amalapuram). Saw a movie with Srinu (Srinivas yerra) at Rjahamandri. Spent time at Godavari riverside for some half an hour or so. this reminded me my time at Kanyakumari(with sudharshan) and Rameswaram(With Arun,...