The appraisal

Yesterday there was a performance review of my work at Infosys. It was nice to see good feedback from my mentors.

Good things about me:

1. I have a broader aspect in solving problems. I understand the bigger picture better.

2. People relationships - I look good in this aspect (Very much surprising for me)

3.Good pace in learning new things, and open mind to adapt to technology.

Areas of Improvement:

1. Need to get more sophisticated with my soft skills especially dealing with clients and selling ideas.

2. Need to grow to the next steps in the ladder, learn stuff about effort estimation.

3. Customer orientation.

4. Participating in external forums and submitting technical articals etc

5. Getting more comfortable with Infosys processes.

It was really nice to have a positive impression from my boss. I am doing a kind of job i wanted/(thought i am fit to do). working as a technial specialist and playing various roles like architect, trouble shooter, client interfacing, developer, tester etc.. all with possible comfortlevel.

One thing that pained me during the sesson that the self discovery of me not doing at the optimum level.

The concept of home - that came from my words during the session.. "A home is something that gets you energetic for your next day work, when you go home after a day's work, and remove all your work related pressues and spend time wth dear ones at home is always amazing, when we go to work place next morning, we get all the energy required for the next day"

But going home and comng back to work place with the same state of mind that is left the day before is something i need to work on.


excellent description of your life in infy...congrats on getting positive and encouraging apprisal.....
keep it up........


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