Let us fight back

Days look gloom. Various reasons. Mumbai blasts claiming around 200 lives in Mumbai, the economical capital of India and also the industry conditions.

It is time, individuals need to be more careful. It is certainly not party time. We are yet to see the worst. Let us keep our jobs safe, reduce expenses and have enough savings to pay our EMIs at least for 6 months even without job.

We need to be more careful about what we do. Let us make ourselves as inevitable so that our jobs are safe, and then our employers will become inevitable for their customers and that makes we surpass the difficult times with less pain. 

It means, we work seriously, take the learning's well and work hard and smart. Going forward, it is going to be no more 9 to 5, 5 days a week work life. We might need to work more and more.

On my personal account, I have decided to move on.  Everyone asked me, are you doing the right thing, but I have no other choice. Banks have increased EMIs, and expenses for livily hood are  not the same as it was before. I had some other other personal issues as well. I had difficulties in getting relieved from my present employer. I was kind of inevitable for them. I have been going through difficult times for the last few months and needed to fight issue by issue.

It is my little son comforting me  all these difficult months. It is altogether different world with kids at home. They mend relationships, make you forget your worries and give the energy to fight back.


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