coming back to health

I am trying hard to regain my health and at the same continue the work.

week has been really painfull. with cough hurting me to the possible extent.
some times i felt i need some rest, some peace of mind and solace. I know i can get all this in enternal silence but then my journey is just begun. Got to run miles before i take rest.

Am i really growing abnormal? by talking of rules and culture etc? does anybody buy my ideas? i dont think so. people are busy with their own madness. In the search for happiness, people are losing it.

The weekend i slept well. saw "Arahan" and "Athanokkadey" both on computer.
some music and then enough rest this is my weekend.

well, i wanted to make a movie with the fragile mind of a woman at center . the comparison besiness, that guy looks better than this guy, or he has a car etc.. oh woman is growing more bad then she can ever be.

work, my honeymoon with Discovery release seems over. in just couple of weeks i am moved to different project now. is it a blessing or a punishment for being honest and pulling people when they wont work?


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