Good work

When boss asked me last friday, i told him, yes for this friday for finishing the PDF form filling task. Now i have done most of the work, though still one more day is there. I placed lots of my efforts (was thinking one full night(almost)), on the design and the application flow. Then took the feedback from collegues in the office and made improvements.

When i started coding, i felt the implementation, will make me slip my word (the friday deadline). But then some how i followed the design,and made the implementation.

I am happy about this particular task, finishing a task in few days of time. Ofcourse one of my collegue has worked on similar task last few months. So I am not that new to the task. Good thing is that i did all the coding myself (almost). Didnt use old code etc..

Ofcourse the work is done in 2005 and 2006 (2 years is too much of time isnt it :-) )

Nice to see my first task of the year, getting a closing status.

Good work, I am on time (As I am, most of the time :-) ).


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