The new year

Hmm, the new year went well for me. I went to bed around 10.30 PM on 31st night. Was thinking of happenings in life, personal, family and the society.

I felt everything is happening as it is supposted to. some bad, some good and some ugly :-).

The change in me is that I wore a kurta. Took some decisions, which i want to implement now on.

some of them are:
1. Listen to the other person carefully and fully.(I started doing it starting with a altercation with mahesh,my roomie in the morning. I was requesting him something, he took it too personally and did a great job in digging the history, he reminded me that he has crores of property and he doesnt even need to work etc.and went on using some slang. But then I didnt get upset at all. I conveyed him what i wanted to and i listened to him and understood that he didnt listen what i was trying to say)

2. Think..
To think before i say anything or i shoot any mails. I have been doing this for the last few weeks.. some times i do type mails to people but then instead of send i click compose again or make that as draft.

3.Trusting the self.
hmm i do need some self appreciation. I believe i can do more than i am doing right now.

4. Stay away from liquer etc, As i have been.

5. If i get 'suitable gal' i want to get marry.

6. Meet the deadlines - I want to carry this particular characteristic into the coming years too.

7. Honor friends.. Understand them even if they dont understand. There is no meaning if i dont wait for them, when they r busy with other friends. I cant expect that my friend should be with me all the d time.

8.Remember people who helped me..I want ot remember all the poeple who are helping me all the way in the life.

9. Love, care and appreciation - showing affection towards the 'Other Person' will get the same thing back to me. so I want to make it a custom to appreciate all good things and share a bit of care and love to all the people i know.


harinath became so matured and keep it up to your resolutions

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